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Within our chapter, we support each other through major milestones and routine days -- but our mission as "MOMS Offering Moms Support™" doesn't stop there. Every year we look for unique and meaningful ways we can support mothers and children beyond our own chapter's families. Here are just a few of the many ways we've fulfilled that mission!


Serving Our Community

We pay attention to what's happening in the Madison County community and strive to match our chapter's efforts to both our community's needs & where our members feel called to serve.

Our Kids Help, Too!

We value modeling volunteerism to our children! Our kids have helped us clean litter from neighborhood parks, fill Little Free Libraries with books they're ready to part with, sell lemonade to fundraise for charity, and assemble care packages for those in our community without reliable housing.

Children Cleaning Beach
Image by freestocks

Angel Tree

Every winter, our chapter partners with local charities to "adopt" a family, empowering those parents to give their kids the holiday magic that many take for granted. Members sign up to fulfill items on the family's wish list, and the chapter treasury chips in to surprise the mom with a little something just for her as well.


We reserve over 85% of our budget for philanthropic purposes. Here are some local charities we've supported financially over the years:

Blair E. Batson Hospital for ChildrenNeighborhood Christian Center of Jackson, MS ● MadCAAP (Madison County Allied Against Poverty) ● Ronald McDonald House Charities Mississippi ● Wounded Warriors of Mississippi ● Sunnybrook Children's Home ● The Lily Pad Cafe

Dollar Bill in Jar
PHILANTHROPY: Service projects
PHILANTHROPY: Thinking about joining?

©2023 by MOMS Club® of Madison County, MS

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